The Exposure to Asbestos Signs and Symptoms

Asbestos are known as thin, fiber-like minerals which occur naturally in the environment. Unluckily, these minerals are so hazardous to human health, and when the fibers are ingested, they may cause serious health problems and complications which include fatal diseases and conditions. These negative effects on personal health can appear long after exposure to asbestos has occurred. The following are some of the key symptoms and the side impacts of the exposure to asbestos.

The Signs and Symptoms of Asbestosis

The following are the symptoms and signs which are commonly associated with the response to asbestos exposure. Bear in mind that the following symptoms may occur even if many years have passed since the first exposure to asbestos occurred.

  1. Loss of appetite
  2. Shortness of breath
  3. Swelling in the face or neck
  4. Tightness or pain in the chest
  5. Dry, crackling sound in the lungs when inhaling
  6. Fatigue
  7. Anemia
  8. A persistent wheezing or cough that progressively worsens
  9. Wheezing or hoarseness of the throat
  10. Coughing up blood or mucus
  11. Weight loss


When to Gain Medical Help

None of the symptoms that are listed above can be used as surefire diagnosis of the exposure to asbestos. Rather, doctor will have to carry out a physical examination, conduct lung function exams and take x-rays sample of the chest before diagnosis can be carried out. In addition to these examinations, a doctor may also need to carry out a lung biopsy to see if microscopic asbestos fibers are really present in the body. In spite of the fact that some asbestos exposure symptoms are linked to the other health conditions, it is still important to seek the help of physician when these symptoms appear.

The Side Effects

There are a number of serious health conditions which may develop as the result of the exposure to asbestos, which includes lung cancer and mesothelioma. Both of these medical conditions maybe proven fatal when left untreated. In addition, certain non malignant or non cancerous lung conditions of the pleura (which is the lining of the chest cavity) may develop from the exposure to asbestos, pleural thickening, pleural plaques, and pleural effusions. These medical conditions can result in scarring of the lungs which eventually will make breathing even more difficult.

The Risk Factors

In the majority of cases, the disease and conditions which are described above are more likely to impact individuals that have experienced long-term, regular exposure to asbestos or asbestos contained products. But, anyone that has inhaled asbestos as actually at risk for these diseases and conditions. In fact, family members of people who have long-term exposure to asbestos from the job may have higher risk of developing these medical issues. In addition those who have been exposed to asbestos and also smoke cigarettes are at higher risk for the diseases. If you have any concerns regarding the exposure to asbestos you need to talk to your doctor immediately about possible tests and treatments so as to determine potential health risks.

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About the Author: Dr Strange

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